toot toot beep beep yeah


would i lie to ya baby, would i lie to you?

"Power produces reality; through discourses it produces the 'truths' we live by.
What Foucault calls 'regimes of truth' do not have to be 'true'; they have only to be thought of as 'true' and acting on as if 'true'" (Storey, 2009:130)


Truth is only truthful insofar as the person judging it deems it true? Or, what we believe is true IS the absolute truth? Truth is relative? If there is no absolute or objective truth then really, how do we ever know anything?

My name is Jade. True. I was born in July. True. I am on a train right now. True. Or not?

If the simple truth is subjective how do we ever know what is really true!? If I’m touching a table it’s there... ergo, it’s “true”. What about abstract things. Feelings, for example. I truly like you. How do you know firstly, but then how do I even know?! It's only true from my perspective because I think it true.

And what of lies? If there is no absolute truth surely there is no absolute, palpable ‘false’. My name is Jane. I have one arm. My dog ate my homework.

Thanks a million, Michel Foucault. Yours truly, JC.


L'été Paris with Diana


oh hiya

good morning bristol.

it seems i've neglected my blog for..... 8 months. so i've decided to stop neglecting. even though my life is not as fun filled as it was in Madrid. do I actually have anything to write about? A normal Saturday in Madrid would have consisted of a hungover lie in, shopping, cafes, tapas.... Fast forward one year and I'm spending my Saturday in bed, cold, learning my Spanish oral presentation for Monday.

woe is me. im going to Boston Tea Party for a cupcake.
